In formulating its projects and activities, WestFAST works through its four work groups (data, drought, energy, and infrastructure) to facilitate inter-agency cooperation and to support WSWC in its mission of implementing the WGA’s water-related objectives.
2019-2021 Work Plan
The 2019-2021 Work Plan identifies a number of the activities that WestFAST plans to work on in the July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2021. Download a copy of the WestFAST 2019-2021 Work Plan
2016-2017 Accomplishments
In 2016-2017 WestFAST worked to improve collaboration and build on 2015 efforts to support improved communication and exchange of water resource information. 2016 – 2017 WestFAST_Accomplishments
2017-2019 Work Plan
The 2017-2019 Work Plan identifies a number of the activities that WestFAST plans to work on in the July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019. Download a copy of the WestFAST 2017-2019 Work Plan
2015-2016 Accomplishments
In 2015-2-16 WestFAST worked to improve collaboration and build on 2014 efforts to support improved communication and exchange of water resource information. 2015 – 2016 WestFAST_Accomplishments
2014-2015 Accomplishments
In 2014-2015, WestFAST continued to promote the over-arching goal of improved collaboration among federal agencies, and between state and federal agencies engaged in western water-resource issues. Download a copy of the 2015 WestFAST Accomplishments.
2015-17 Work Plan
The 2015-2017 Work Plan identifies a number of the activities that WestFAST plans to work on. Download a copy of the 2015-2017 WestFAST Work Plan.
2013-2014 Accomplishments
During 2013-2014 reporting period, WestFAST established new Workgroups to aid in aligning WestFAST activities with WSWC priority issue areas as defined in WSWC Committee workplans. See the 2013-2014 Accomplishments.
2012-2013 Accomplishments
Beginning in 2013, instead of developing a formal work plan, WestFAST decided to focus efforts on four work groups: data, drought, energy, and infrastructure. Efforts and agendas of these work groups will take the place of a formal work plan. See the 2012-2013 WestFAST Accomplishments.
2012 Work Plan
The 2012 Work Plan identifies a number of the activities that WestFAST plans to work on in 2012. Download a copy of the 2012 WestFAST Work Plan.
2011 Accomplishments
In 2011, WestFAST targeted a number of recommendations from the Water Needs and Strategies for a Sustainable Future: Next Steps. For a list of accomplishments in 2011, see the 2011 WestFAST Accomplishments. For additional information on what activities were planned for 2011, see the 2011 WestFAST Work Plan.
2010 Accomplishments
In 2010, WestFAST increased from 9 to 11 agencies. WestFAST also made some significant accomplishments in coordinating WestFAST agency water-climate change activities. See report: WestFAST Agencies Water-Climate Change Program Inventory. For a full list of accomplishments see the 2010 WestFAST Accomplishments. For additional information on what activities were planned for 2010, see the 2010 WestFAST Work Plan.
2009 Accomplishments
See the 2009 WestFAST Work Plan and 2009 WestFAST Accomplishments.