The Western States Water Council (WSWC), the California Department of Water Resources, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) cosponsored a workshop on advancing sub-seasonal to seasonal precipitation forecasting for western water management on April 29, 2016. This workshop addressed opportunities for and challenges to advancing NOAA’s research and modeling to improve forecasting predictive capabilities.
The workshop was held at the Center for Weather and Climate Prediction in College Park, Maryland.
Meeting Materials:
“Improving Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Management” – Meeting Brochure
Working Together to Build a Weather and Water-Ready Nation – Louis Uccellini, Director, National Weather Service
OAR Science Supporting S2S Prediction – Michael Farrar, Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator, Laboratories and Cooperative Institutes
Review of WSWC and NOAA Discussions on S2S Precipitation Forecasting – Kevin Werner, Director of Office of Organizational Excellence, NWS, and Jeanine Jones, Interstate Resources Manager, California Department of Water Resources
Western US Precipitation and S2S Prediction – Marty Ralph, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Informing Decisions for a Water-Prepared Nation – Ed Clark, Director, Geo-Intelligence Division of the National Water Center
OAR Research on S2S Predictability and Prediction – Dan Barrie, MAPP Program Manager, NOAA’s Climate Program
Strategies for S2S Forecasts – Edward Dunlea, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Background And Framework for Establishing a Seasonal Precipitation Forecast Improvement Project – David DeWitt, Director, Climate Prediction Center, NWS