WestDAAT Applications: Using Western State Water Rights Data to Facilitate Community Environmental Collaboration

Date: October 16, 2024    THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED (TBD). 
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (MDT)

To register click HERE

Dr. Caroline Nash, CK Blueshift, will share how she has used the WestDAAT tools to assist with assessing and planning stream restoration projects across various western states.

Dr. Nash is a hydrologist and geomorphologist with extensive experience implementing and evaluating process-based watershed restoration throughout the American West. She combines a robust technical and scientific knowledge base with community-engaged practices to develop projects and evaluation frameworks uniquely tailored to local conditions and objectives. Her work includes translating lessons learned from these place-based efforts to provide guidance to foundations and government entities on policy and funding.

Background on WaDE and WestDAAT

The Water Data Exchange (WaDE) Program and the Western State Water Data Access and Analysis Tool (WestDAAT) webtool is committed to assisting the WSWC member states in publicly sharing water rights, allocation, supply, and use data through a streamlined and standardized service that enables regional analyses to inform water resources planning and policies. Since 2011, the WSWC has nurtured the WaDE Program development with financial support from federal agencies and philanthropic organizations. The WaDE Program’s overarching goal is to provide a standardized water data-sharing platform for state and other public agencies that makes data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) at the regional scale.

WestDAAT is the latest phase of the WaDE Program, which facilitates the sharing of member states’ water-related data through a common platform. WestDAAT provides user-friendly access to data available in a machine-readable format for over 2.5 million active water rights across eighteen western states. WestDAAT also catalogs the most common metadata and provides a direct link to each state’s water rights database for further information. https://westernstateswater.org/wade/ 


Oct 16 2024


1:00 am - 2:00 pm

The event is finished.