Position #452 – July 22, 2020
WHEREAS, in the West, water is a vital and scarce resource the availability of which has and continues to circumscribe growth, development, our economic well being and environmental quality of life; and
WHEREAS, the wise use, conservation, development and management of our water resources is critical to maintaining human life, health, safety and property; and
WHEREAS, water resources research, the dissemination and application of research results or research to operations (R2O) and technology transfer are increasingly important to meeting our present and future water needs; and
WHEREAS, the Water Resources Research Act of 1964 authorized a program that included the
establishment of state water resources research institutes (WRRIs) or centers in each state to address our water resources challenges; and
WHEREAS, today’s institutes and centers provide a research infrastructure that uses the
capabilities of universities to greatly assist and provide important support to western state water agencies in long-term planning, policy development and management of the increasingly complex challenges associated with water in the West; and
WHEREAS, these challenges are exacerbated by the uncertainty surrounding population growth, climate, and economic and environmental water demands; and
WHEREAS, the Council and its member states continue to work with the institutes/centers and
the academic community to ensure research investments are relevant to our most pressing water problems and allow each state to solve its problems by methods most appropriate to its own situation; and
WHEREAS, the institutes/centers’ outreach and information transfer services and activities are
very valuable to the water communities in the various western states; and
WHEREAS, this is a very worthwhile federal-state partnership that promotes collaboration,
cooperation and the conservation of limited physical, financial and personnel resources; and
WHEREAS, funding for Water Resources Research Act programs and WRRI assistance falls within the Department of the Interior’s Water and Science budget, under the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); and
WHEREAS, the USGS Water Resources Research Act program promotes, facilitates, and
conducts research that helps resolve state and regional water problems; promotes technology transfer; facilitates dissemination and application of research; trains scientists through participation in research; and awards competitive grants.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Western States Water Council asks the
Administration and the Congress to maintain the federal authorization and financial support for the state water resources research institutes and Water Resources Research Act program – requesting and appropriating funds as appropriate.
Revised and Readopted
See former Position #409 – 6/29/2017; Position #368 – 7/18/2014; Position #334 – 7/29/2011; and Position #305 – 7/11/08