WaDE 1.0 Data Access
How to Access Data in WaDE.
Accessing data as simple tables and charts in WaDE is really very easy. To learn more about datatypes that are shared in WaDE (e.g. Summary vs. Detailed data), please click here or see the tutorial at the bottom of this page. If you are a developer and want to build an application using the WaDE API and web services, please check out our developer section on the “How WaDE Works” webpage.
Zoom In…
Zoom to a state or region where you’d like to retrieve data. The areas shown are what the state agency uses as a native summary area (watershed/basin). Most areas shared in WaDE are custom to the state agency; however, more ways of summarizing data (by county and by Hydrologic Unit Code (HUCs)) are coming soon. Simply click on the region to see the name and code for the basin, and get access to the catalog of data.
Once you’ve found your location of interest, click on the “GetCatalog” link to retrieve a listing of the both the years and the datatypes that are being provided by the agencies in that region. Yes, there can be more than one agency sharing data for one state! Sometimes more than one agency is curating data that are targeted by WaDE.
The catalog retrieved shows what datatypes are available. To view summarized or aggregated datasets, click on “View Data” in the Summarized Data table. For site-specific, detailed data, click on the “View Data” within the Detailed Data tables. Data are shared as tables and charts, and the underlying XML can be used to support new applications. If a state isn’t sharing the data you’re interested in yet, join the WaDE community to make a data request.
For some extra background and assistance, please walk through the tutorial below:
A How-To Guide for Accessing WaDE 1.0 data
We are grateful to work with such amazing partners within the states. Thank you for sharing your data.