Western States Water Council

A Voice for Water in the West 

WIDS “Kick-off” Meeting – August 2017

WIDS “Kick-off” Meeting – August 2017

WIDS Kickoff Mtg – August 2017 – Meeting Agenda
WIDS Kickoff Mtg – August 2017 – Meeting Minutes

Meeting Summary: WIDS group members gave feedback on the current status of the WaDE program, a draft survey on states’ use of cloud technologies, and topics for a Water Information Management Systems (WIMS) workshop to be conducted in January 2018.

Action Items:

  1. Distribute Aspen Report, WaDE site, survey and meeting recap – WSWC
  2. Send information on Justin Huntington’s Workshop – OWRD
  3. Send back feedback on WaDE directions, draft survey, and WIMS topics in the coming week/months – All

Meeting Materials:
