Western States Water Council

A Voice for Water in the West 

WIDS Kickoff Spring Meeting – April 2021

Water Information and Data Subcommittee (WIDS) Kickoff Spring Meeting – April 2021

We had an amazing and historic turnout with 36 attendees representing most of our member states and partners. Thank you!

Meeting Summary
In this kickoff meeting, the WIDS group was re-established after two years of inactivity with a renewed energy with both continuing and new members across the Western States Water Council, member state agencies, and federal agencies. The meeting was attended by 36 participants where four were not able to attend. The WSWC and WaDE staff presented an update on WaDE and a demo of its upcoming dashboard which was followed by comments and a discussion on the importance of WaDE work and its next steps. 

Action Items

  • Adel has created a discussion channel on Discord for WaDE. You can join it here https://discord.gg/pNd8zxMTWR
  • Adel will send a poll for a second WIDS Committee Meeting in July or August
  • Adel will send invitations for focus groups to refine WaDE use cases and how WaDE can help the states
  • The WIDS members will send any comments, questions, or concerns to Adel via email or through Discords

Meeting Materials for download
