WestDAAT Analytics and Data


Note: this page is being reviewed and updated over time. 

This analytics feature in WestDAAT provides an interactive simplistic visual summary of the water rights data based on the selected data filters. The presented pie charts show three summaries per each WaDE primary beneficial use (1) the count of water rights, (2) their cumulative permitted flow in cubic feet per second (CFS), and (3) the cumulative permitted volume in acre-feet (AF). Users can download these charts and their data by clicking on the hamburger menu icon. 

Caution required (Limitations)

  • Each state has a different water rights law and administration system. Please be careful in using these aggregated estimates across state lines.
  • There are water rights that have not been assigned flow and /or volume amounts either because they are under adjudication or quantification, the permitted flow or volume is indicated through the permit type with a capacity under a certain limit (e.g., 30 gallons per minute) such as domestic wells and livestock rights, or because the states did not provide machine-readable numbers for them.
  • The assigned or permitted flow (CFS) is often limited to a timeframe within the year and is not necessarily for a year-round flow. Permitted flow often means the maximum withdrawal or pumping rate a water rights owner is limited to at any time.
  • The assigned or permitted volume (AF) often indicates the maximum annual volume that a water owner can withdraw or pump in a year
  • Many states either assign a flow and volume limit while others only assign one of them.
  • Please note that these aggregate flows and volumes can be for both consumptive and non-consumptive uses. Use the Consumptive or non-consumptive grouping in the beneficial use filter to show aggregates for each group at-a-time.

Data Table

This table provides an interactive summary of the water rights data based on the selected data filters. The table is especially valuable when the user narrows down the search to a few dozens of water rights and they want to review them next to each other. The table also provides a hyperlink to the landing page for each water right. Please note the “Load More Results” button. If you want to evaluate and compare a much bigger list of water rights, please see the download button at the top right corner of WestDAAT which allows an export of up to 100,000 water rights at a time.