WSWC Spring (180th) Council Meetings and Washington, D.C. Roundtable

The WSWC Spring (180th) Council Meetings and Washington, D.C. Roundtable cosponsored with the Interstate Council on Water Policy (ICWP) were held in Washington, D.C. on March 22-23, 2016.  The meetings were held at the Grand Hyatt Washington located at 1000 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.

BRIEFING MATERIALS:  Washington DC Meetings Briefing Book_2016March22  (15.89 MB)

Water Resources Committee Minutes
Legal Committee Minutes

Executive Committee Minutes
Water Quality Committee Minutes
Full Council Committee Minutes

MEETINGS SCHEDULE and AGENDASchedule of Meetings

Click this link for the updated Roundtable agenda as well as ICWP’s Water Planner’s Conference agenda.

Water Resources Committee Meeting
NRCS Water-Related Programs – Rob Sampson, NRCS National Water Management Engineer
USGS Water Availability and Use Programs – Sonya Jones, USGS, Coordinator Water Availablity and Use Science Program
Integrated DOE Approach for Resilient Energy-Water Systems of the Future – Diana Bauer, Director, Office of Energy Policy Analysis and Integration Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis
NOAA Sub-seasonal Forecasting, Science and Technology – David DeWitt, Director, NOAA Climate Prediction Center
Building Drought Resilient Communities in Montana – Tina Laidlaw, EPA Region 8
NASA Earth Science — Landsat and Other Missions – Brad Doorn, NASA, Program Manager, Water Resources Program Science Mission Directorate Earth Science Division