Policy Letters

Letters to Congress and the Administration on behalf of the

Western States Water Council


Reintroduction of the Water Data Act

On October 1, the WSWC sent a letter to Representative Melanie Stansbury (D-NM) in support of the reintroduction of the Water Data Act and supports leveraging state and federal resources to build a national water data framework for sharing, integrating, and...

WSWC Letter of Support for Landsat Next

On August 16, the WSWC sent a letter to Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Brain and Deputy Administrator Melroy, expressing strong support for the timely development and launch of the Landsat Next mission given its increasingly critical importance to western...

WSWC Letter to WH PCAST Groundwater Working Group

On July 1, the WSWC sent a letter to the White House President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) regarding state groundwater management and protection. WSWC Letter to WH PCAST Groundwater Working...