Stream Restoration and Water Rights


The Western States Federal Agency Support Team (WestFAST) has been working in partnership with Western States Water Council and CK Blueshift to develop a series of informational webinars on aquatic ecosystem restoration. The series is intended to bring together state water managers, regulators, federal agencies, and stakeholders to share knowledge and collaboratively develop solutions to advance aquatic ecosystem restoration, comply with state and federal laws, and deploy federal funding efficiently. The webinars are focused on permitting processes, water laws in Western States, and the role of water rights to facilitate better cooperation on future projects.

These webinars were motivated by questions emerging from the unprecedented funding made available through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for federal agencies to implement valley floor restoration projects. Stream restoration projects aim to slow the flow of water, increase floodplain aquifer recharge, and restore natural processes to maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems. However, there remains uncertainty around the effects of these projects on downstream water availability.


Webinar 1: Introduction to Stream Restoration & Water Rights (July 12, 2023)  This webinar provided an overview of river-focused nature-based solutions and watershed restoration tactics, discuss the motivation for new initiatives and funding, highlight the environmental and management challenges faced, and explore how these projects intersect with western water management and water rights. The webinar also highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced by state and federal agencies in funding, regulating, and implementing these projects with the goal of developing shared language and understanding. Watch the recording here

Presenters: Caroline Nash, CK Blueshift; Alden Shallcross, Bureau of Land Management; and Michelle Bushman, Western States Water Council

Webinar 2: The Science of Stream Restoration (August 31, 2023) This webinar provided an overview of river-focused nature-based solutions and watershed restoration tactics, discuss the motivation for new initiatives and funding, highlight the environmental and management challenges faced, and explore how these projects intersect with western water management and water rights. The webinar also highlighted the challenges and opportunities faced by state and federal agencies in funding, regulating, and implementing these projects with the goal of developing shared language and understanding. Watch the recording here

Presenter: Dr. Caroline Nash, CK Blueshift

Webinar 3: Stream Restoration and Water Rights in Utah and Colorado (October 18, 2023) In this webinar we heard from experts in the states of Utah and Colorado. Our speakers covered a range of topics, including relevant state statutes and policies, permitting processes, state priorities, current projects, challenges, and lessons learned. Watch the recording here. 

Presenters: Kelly Romero-Heaney, Assistant Director of Water for Colorado’s Department of Natural Resources & Water Policy Advisor to Governor Polis; and Chuck Williamson, P.G., Stream Alteration Specialist for the Utah Division of Water Rights

Resources: To learn more, visit and Colorado Senate Bill 23-270

Webinar 4: Stream Restoration and Water Rights in Nebraska and California (December 12, 2023) In this webinar we heard from experts in the states of Nebraska and California. Our speakers covered a range of topics, including relevant state statutes, policies, and programs, permitting processes, state priorities, challenges, and lessons learned. Watch the recording here.

Presenters: Tom Riley, Director of the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources; and Eric Oppenheimer, Chief Deputy Director of the California State Water Resources Control Board