The Western States Water Council, California Department of Water Resources and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) held a workshop on December 15 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The purpose of the workshop was to help water resources managers better understand current forecasting capabilities and the state of the science, as well as how to support efforts to improve future seasonal precipitation predictions in the western states. The goal was to develop examples of regionally-specific opportunities for improving forecasts and associated information on economic benefits that could be used toward support for a focused federal research effort.
This workshop was held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the Pisa Room at Caesars Palace located at 3670 S. Las Vegas Boulevard.
Powerpoint Presentations
Jeanine Jones, California Department of Water Resources – Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting, Applications & Justification
Kevin Werner, NOAA – Workshop on Seasonal Forecast Improvements
Pat Lambert, WestFAST – Workshop Presentation for WestFAST
Dave DeWitt, NOAA, Climate Prediction Center – Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Background, Current State, and Prospects for Future Improvement
Marty Ralph, Scripps Institution of Oceanography – Western Precipitation Observations: The Role of Extreme Precipitation Events
Dan Bunk, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation – Colorado River Basin: Overview of Determining Lake Powell and Lake Mead Annual Operational Tiers