The WSWC has long supported efforts to improve seasonal and mid-season forecasting, federal agency data-collection, and application development for more informed water resource management. Here is a collection of reports, workshops, and other materials related to the topic, gathered and distributed by WSWC.
July 2016 Congressional Staff Briefing on S2S Precipitation Forecasting
Atmospheric River-driven storms can make or break a water year in the West. An interagency, cross·disciplinary team of experts is exploring the viability of utilizing forecasts of atmospheric rivers and their heavy precipitation in operational decisions at key western reservoirs that have been plagued by drought. Such forecasts could provide sufficient notice of these events to enable prudent planning and adaptable operation so that water managers would be better positioned to maximize water supply while maintaining public safety. Additionally, water decisions across the West can benefit from longer lead time information on precipitation from weeks to seasons in advance.
A briefing designed for Congressional staff about atmospheric rivers, subseasonal·to·seasonal precipitation prediction needs, related weather forecasting technology, and their potential benefits to the future of water management was held July 13, 2016.
Dr. Louis W. Uccellini, Director of the National Weather Service, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Weather Services – Improving Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction at NOAA
Cary A. Talbot, Program Manager for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Engineer Research & Development Center, Coastal & Hydraulics Laboratory – Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations: USACE R&D to Inform Water Management Policy
Jeanine Jones, WSWC Secretary/Treasurer – Improving Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Management – A State’s Perspective
Marty Ralph, Director of the Center for Western Weather & Water Extremes Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego – Atmospheric Rivers: Western U.S Rainmakers and Key to Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations
Related Position Statements/Letters
- Position #389 – Urging the Administration and the Congress to prioritize federal programs that translate science on climate and weather extremes to water resources management actions (March 22, 2016)
- Position #386 – Regarding Drought Preparedness, Prediction and Early Warning Programs (October 9, 2015)
- Position #385 – Regarding Federal Water and Climate Data Collection and Analysis Programs (October 9, 2015)
- Position #356 – Urges the Administration and NASA to enhance focus on research for water resources applications and promote long term engagement with the WSWC (October 3, 2013)
- Position #352 – Supports federal efforts to prepare for and respond to extreme weather events, including an expanded and enhanced west-wide extreme precipitation monitoring system. (June 26, 2013)
2015/2016 Workshops/Powerpoints
Advancing Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Resources
Workshop cosponsored by WSWC / CDWR / NOAA
San Diego, CA
June 6 – 9, 2016
Advancing Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Resources
Workshop cosponsored by WSWC / CDWR / NOAA
College Park, MD
April 29, 2016
Advancing Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Resources
Workshop cosponsored by WSWC / CDWR / NOAA
Las Vegas, NV
December 15, 2015
Advancing Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Water Resources
Workshop cosponsored by WSWC / CDWR / NOAA
Salt Lake City, Utah
October 21-22, 2015
CDWR Workshop on Sub-Seasonal and Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting
San Diego, CA
May 27-29, 2015
Remote Sensing Applications Workshop
Sponsored with the CA Department of Water Resources and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA
August 25-27, 2014
WSWC and CDWR Reports/Summaries
“Workshop on Improving Sub-Seasonal and Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting for Drought Preparedness.” May 2015.
Materials prepared in cooperation with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2013:
Data and Monitoring Needs for Western Water Management
NOAA and the National Integrate Drought Information System (NIDIS)
NOAA and The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board
Western Water Data Needs and NOAA
“21st Century Western Observing System for Extreme Precipitation”, August, 2011.