Workshop on Irrigation Management Information Systems (IMIS) and Networks

The Western States Water Council and the California Department of Water Resources cosponsored a workshop on irrigation management information systems and networks, held in San Diego, CA on August 25-26, 2016.

Agricultural and municipal weather station networks are used for providing irrigation scheduling information to growers and municipal landscape managers. Accurate estimates of reference evapotranspiration and crop-specific evapotranspiration allow growers and landscape managers to improve water use efficiency by precisely scheduling irrigation to provide only the amount of water needed by plantings. The WSWC has collected information from the workshop for use in preparing a report on the status of existing networks, challenges in maintaining data coverage, data gaps, and opportunities for strengthening collection of this important data. The report will be published later this fall.


Links to Presentations:  (below)

Bekele Temegson, California Department of Water Resources, CIMIS Program

Forrest Melton, NASA

Jim Prairie, Upper Colorado Region, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Zach Schwalbe, CoAgMet Network Manager

Dan McEvoy, Desert Research Institute

Jama Hamel, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Agrimet Manager

Paul Brown/Bruce Russell, AZMET

David DuBois, New Mexico State Climatologist

Pawel Szafruga, Utah Climate Center

Related Material: An Overview of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Water Information System


WEBINAR / TELECONFERENCECall-In & Webinar Instructions_IMIS Workshop_2016Aug



FLYERWorkshop Flyer

LOCATIONDoubletree San Diego Downtown, located at 1646 Front Street, San Diego, CA 92101

LODGING: A block of rooms has been reserved and will be held through August 1, 2016.  Please contact the Doubletree San Diego Downtown reservations department directly at (619) 239-6800, or central reservations at (800) 222-TREE, and announce the Western States Water Council room block of $130 per night to receive the established Group rate.  Reservations are subject to availability at the time of booking. The group rate will be extended three (3) days before and after the room block dates, subject to availability. Reservations received after the cutoff date of August 1, 2016 will be confirmed on a room availability basis at the rate in effect at the time of the request.

Please note:  The Hotel maintains a forty-eight (48) hour cancellation policy for individual guest room reservations.